
Parsit Fish fish dinner
Baked sul
Fresh Garden Vegtables
with a lemon and tartar fish sauce. 4 coppers

Roast Bosk Dinner
Roast Bosk with Bosk Gravy
Suls salad
Fresh Garden Peas and Carrots
5 coppers

Bosk Burger
Served on a seeded Sa Tarna Roll
with Crispy Fresh garden lettuce
and Fried Suls 3 coppers

Roast Vulo Dinner
Mashed Suls
Vulo Gravy
Fresh garden peas and carrots
with fresh cranberries 4 coppers

Bosk Steaks
2 Meaty, Juicy, Thick Bosk Steaks
Served with your choice of suls and vegetables
6 coppers
